The Colegio Mayor Olabidea, built to house 80 residents, is located on the University of Navarra’s Pamplona campus.
In Olabidea, special care is taken to maintain a studious environment while still encouraging active participation in activities organized by both the residence and the university.
Director: Marta Alonso Sanz.
Subdirector: Sol Ferrán de la Cierva.
Secretary: Belén Moreira Moreira.
Director of Studies: Reyes Duro Rivas.
President: Yaye de la Lastra Conradi, 4th Architecture.
Vice-President: María Martínez Serrano, 34th Double Degree in Management and Law.
Secretary: Paz Marín Cánovas, 3rd PPE.
Speaker 1: Jimena Camarero Álvarez, 3rd Medicine.
Speaker 2: Pitu Ródenas Ruiz, 2nd Management.
Social Commission: María Regidor.
Sports Commission: Almudena Gardeazábal y Marta Echávarri.
Communications Commission: Paula Tarela.
Study Commission: Ana López.
Cultural Commission: Isabel Latasa y Carmen Zaldívar.
Recreational Commission: María Benavides.
Life style Commission: María Arregui.
If you want to learn more about Olabidea, you can follow us on social media.